The CES 2014 China Annual Conference in Guangzhou June 14-15 2014
Address:Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

The Chinese Economists Society (CES) calls for paper and session proposals for its 2014 China Annual Conference, which will be held on campus at Jinan University Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province June 14-15 (Saturday and Sunday), 2014.  The conference will feature keynote speeches by internationally acclaimed economists, other invited talks, roundtable forums, and parallel sessions. Participants will arrive and register on June 13On June 16, participants can enjoy sightseeing or professional development programs.


The theme of the 2014 conference is “China’s Economic Reform and Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities”. Proposals to present papers and organize sessions on topics such as Urbanization, Energy and Environment, Trade and Finance, Income Redistribution, Macro Policy, and the further development of Private Enterprises in China are encouraged. However, all topics within economics, including non-Chinese issues, will also be considered.   The deadline for submitting proposals for paper presentations and panels is February 28, 2014.


Scholars wishing to present papers are required to submit a title, an abstract of no more than 400 words, and JEL code(s) with keywords. All submissions should be made via the CES website at www.china-ces.orgYou may have only ONE submission. If you have a second submission, it must be made and (if accepted) presented by your co-author. You will receive a notification by e-mail once your submission is accepted (or rejected) by March 30, 2014.





CES conference sessions usually comprise 3-4 paper presentations, discussants, a session chair, and a session organizer. Scholars wishing to organize one or more sessions on a specific topic are asked to submit a proposal to Dr. Jinlan Ni, CES President) at  by January 30, 2014The proposal should include names and contact information (including e-mail addresses) of the session organizer, session chair, paper presenters, and their discussants. Once Dr. Ni conditionally approves the session proposal, each author giving a paper must still submit a paper proposal through the regular submission process (from above).   Authors of papers in organized sessions should use the “Comments” section of the submission form to indicate that his/her paper is part of an organized session, e.g.  “This paper is part of an organized session on Urbanization organized by Prof. So and So.” The deadline for submitting proposals for organized sessions is February 28,  2014.



A partial list of the invited and confirmed keynote speakers includes:

Dr. Zhiwu Chen (Yale University)

Dr. Li Gan (Southwest University of Finance and Economics)

Dr. Wen Hai (Peking University)

Dr. Finn Kydland (University of California at Santa Barbara, 2004 Nobel Economist)

Dr. Justin Yifu Lin (Peking University)

Sir James Mirrlees (Chinese University of Hong Kong and Cambridge University, 1996 Nobel Economist)



An outstanding paper presented at the conference by a junior scholar will be selected for the Gregory Chow Best Paper Award. To be eligible for consideration, the primary author of the paper must be a Ph.D student or a junior scholar who received a PhD within the last five years. The winner will receive a certificate and a cash award of US $1,000. Scholars wishing to be considered for the Gregory Chow award must show proof of eligibility at the time of submission.





High quality papers presented at the conference will be solicited for consideration for publication in special issues of China Economic Review and Review of Development Economics. 




All participants must register for the Conference on the CES website (go to and then to “Conferences”). Scholars planning to present papers may wait to register until the paper acceptance decision is known.



Before or on May 1, 2014


After May 1, 2014

Regular CES member

US $180

US $250

Non- CES member

US $220

US $250

Student CES member

US $100

US $150

Student Non- CES member

US $120

US $150



Scholars presenting their papers in English and who are CES members at the time of the conference will receive three (3) nights of complimentary accommodation in a shared hotel room (double occupancy) at Guangzhou Vanburgh Hotel (云来斯堡酒店), in addition to conference materials and meals. Those wishing not to share a room with a colleague must pay an additional US $50 per night per person for single accommodations.  



Any inquiries should be sent to:

For academic matters: Dr. Jun Ma at;  Dr.  Jinlan Ni at


For logistics and Transporation: Dr. Anping Chen at

For Sponsorship: Dr. Orn B. Bodvarsson at