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CES Event   2009-10-22

Topic Thirty years of reforms: What about Capitalism in China?
Organizer CERDI-IDREC of University of Auvergne and CCES of Fudan University
Location Clermont-Ferrand
Contact      china.conference2009@cerdi.org
Date 2009-10-22  
Link http://www.cerdi.org/Colloque/CHINE2009/

Thirty years of reforms: What about Capitalism in China ?
CERDI-IDREC, University of Auvergne, France / CCES, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Clermont-Ferrand, October 22-23, 2009
The CERDI-IDREC organizes every two years an international conference on the Chinese economy, with the objective of strengthening scientific collaboration and contacts between research centres around the world. This year, the conference is organized in collaboration with the CCES, Fudan University (Shanghai, China).
As such, the conference will include academic researchers as well as practitioners from international organizations. The theme of the conference will focus on the characteristics of China’s capitalism after 30 years of reforms. The startling transformation that began 30 years ago with the accession of Deng Xiaoping has been one of the world's great stories. China has moved from a state planned and state owned economy towards state regulation of a hybrid economic system with the existence of a private economic sphere that remains very close to the state system that spawned it. Besides its achievements and experience, mistakes have also been made and there are lessons to be learned from these.
All papers dealing with China's capitalism are welcome. This year, the conference will focus more specifically on the following topics: economic policy, inequalities, productivity, “soft infrastructure” (immaterial conditions such as the rule of law, open financial institutions, civil society and entrepreneurial spirit), education and environment. Long run issues can be developed. A special attention should be paid to the role of history in the evolution of the Chinese economy.
How to submit
Interested authors should submit either a draft or a detailed abstract of their paper by June 20, 2009, to: china.conference2009@cerdi.org. The abstract should include the objectives, the methodology as well as the expected results.  Kindly send us the cover page together with your paper (see below).
The scientific committee, in collaboration with the local organizing committee, will select papers for the conference.  A confirmation of accepted papers will be sent to the authors by July 15, 2009.
The final version of the papers should be submitted by October  1st, 2009.
As for the previous conferences the best papers will be published in the China Economic Review or in a book format. 
Practical information
General information as well as updates about the conference can be viewed on the CERDI-IDREC website http://www.cerdi.org/Colloque/CHINE2009/
Questions concerning the conference can be emailed to: china.conference2009@cerdi.org
Scientific Committee:
C. Batisse (CERDI-IDREC, University of Auvergne), G. Fan (NERI and CCER, University of Beijing), B. Fleisher (Ohio State University), S. Guérineau (CERDI-IDREC, University of Auvergne), P. Guillaumont (CERDI, University of Auvergne), B. Naughton (University of California, San Diego), P. Plane (CERDI, University of Auvergne), P. Prime (Mercer University, Atlanta), M-F. Renard (CERDI-IDREC, University of Auvergne), S. Rozelle (Stanford University), W.T. Woo (University of California, Davis), Y. Wu (University of Western Australia), J. Zhang (CCES, Fudan University, Shanghai), J. Zax (University of Colorado at Boulder). 
Organizing Committee:
C. Batisse, A. Cohade, I. Goi, S. Guérineau, P. Phélinas, M-F. Renard, Y. He, L. Moulin, H. Xiong
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