Special Issue of China Economic Review: Big Data and Economic Development

Title Call for Papers: CER Special Issue - 2022 CES Conferences
Date 2023-03-28

 Call for Papers
Special Issue of China Economic Review: Big Data and Economic Development Over the past decade, we have witnessed an explosion in big data and digital technologies, with the amount of digital data expanding from two zettabytes in 2010 to 64.2 zettabytes in 2020. The improving availability and reliability of data have profoundly changed the behaviors of producers, consumers, investors, and policy-makers. Therefore, it is important to understand big data and examine how big data affect private and public sectors in their decision-making and economic performances.
This special issue of China Economic Review cordially invites the entire academic and policy-making communities to submit novel and original research in all fields of the Chinese economy, especially contributions dealing with “big data and economic development”, the theme of the CES 2022 annual conference.
Guest editors:
Shunfeng Song, song@unr.edu , University of Nevada, Reno, USA
Hewei Shen, hewei.shen@ou.edu , University of Oklahoma, USA
Important dates:
2022.12.15 – 2023.3.24 Paper submission
2022.12.15 – 2023.12.15 Reviewing process and revision submission
December 31, 2023 Acceptance deadline
Please submit your manuscripts to the special issue under Article Type: “VSI: Big Data and Development”.