CES Award   

Title The CES Award Protocol
AwardType Service Awar
Date 2024-10-11  

The CES Award Protocol

(Approved by CES Regent on June 6, 2023)


1.       The Chinese Economists Society (hereafter “the Society”) gives honorary awards to individuals and/or institutions in recognition of their dedication and contribution to achieving the aim of the Society defined in its Bylaws.

2.       The Society’s honorary awards have the following categories:

a)         Distinguished Achievement Awards to honor those who have made major achievements in line with the Society’s aim and outstanding contributions to the Society’s growth and successes;

b)        Distinguished Service Awards to honor the members who have provided outstanding services to the Society;

c)         Pillar of Support Awards to honor the individuals or institutions that have hosted and sponsored the Society’s major events.

3.       The Society’s honorary awards are awarded annually on a ceremony concurrent at one of the Society’s major annual events, such as its annual conference or CES-ASSA business meeting. The number of awards are typically one (1) to two (2) for each category per year.

4.       The award candidates may be nominated by the current or former CES presidents. The nominator must submit a brief recommendation (of 200 - 500 words) for each candidate nominated. A candidate can be nominated only for one category. The active-term CES officers (i.e. the President and the Board members) may not be nominated. Anyone who has received an award from the Society previously should not be nominated for the award of the same category. Which category a previous award falls in, if not obvious, should be interpreted by the Regent.

5.       Any of the nominated candidates must be approved by the Regent to win an award. The Regent approval is based on the following criteria:

a)         A Distinguished Achievement Awardee must have been a CES member (or a senior advisor to the Society) who made outstanding and prominent contributions to the advancement and dissemination of economics and management sciences in China as well as the growth and achievements of the Society through many years of academic or business leadership.

b)        A Distinguished Service Awardee must have been a CES member who has served a minimum of two terms of CES offices (i.e. Board of Directors and/or APC or FC members), displayed strong commitment, dedication and effectiveness in serving the Society, and played an indispensable and pivotal role in leading, coordinating, or organizing the Society’s major events or keeping the Society’s key functions.

c)         A Pillar of Support Awardee should be an individual or institution who have hosted and sponsored one or more Society’ major events or played an indispensable and pivotal role to facilitate hosting and sponsorship for such events. Continuous display of support in various ways after the events should also be evidenced.

6.       The Society’s honorary awards are non-pecuniary in nature. The Society may

a)         present an awardee a commemorative souvenir (such as a medal or plaque) of value not exceeding 50 times of the World Bank’s extreme poverty line for daily living income ($2.15 in 2023).

b)        reimburse an awardee the travel expenses to the CES event of awarding ceremony up to $500 for domestic travel or up to $2000 for international travel (in 2023 dollar) subject to the event budget.

c)         grant lifetime membership to an awardee.

d)        pay honorarium or additional subsidy to an awardee for a role at the event provided that the payment is fully funded by some external sponsor(s) of the event.

e)         include the name of the sponsor in an award title if the sponsor is committed to provision of a regular budget to fund the award payment in 6 (d) for three or more subsequent years.

7.       Any pecuniary award under the Society’s auspices is subject to the protocol or rules jointly determined by the Society (represented by the Regent) and the party that funds the pecuniary award.

8.       At the Society’s annual events, it is a regular practice for the active-term President to present a commemorative souvenir not exceeding the value described in 6 (a) to

a)         the immediate-former President in recognition of the latter’s leadership and service;

b)        each of the active-term Board of Directors who have completed the term satisfactorily in appreciation of their service and commitment;

c)         the local institution or its leader(s) in recognition and appreciation of their pillar support to the Society’s event organized by the active-term President.   

9.       The Regent reserves the authority to interpret this Protocol.


AwardYear: 2024